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Board of Directors 2024-2025

Contact Board Members via links, to their profile pages, next to board position titles. 

We welcome members to get involved with running the Colorado chapter!  If you are interested in filling a Board position, contact any of the Board members. Board terms run from May 15 through May 14 of the following year; voting occurs in March.

If you would like to help out by joining a committee or volunteering in any other capacity, click on the name of the board member you would like to connect with. 

Committee members which need the most help are:  Volunteering/Go Month (with Vice President), Marketing (with Marketing Director), Chapter Meetings (with Programming Director), and Membership (with Membership Director).


President - Maegan Keller

The President supervises the conduct of the Chapter’s business and activities; organizes and presides over the Board of Directors meetings; oversees the Chapter’s general membership meetings and functions; and approves communications representing the Chapter to prospective members, the general membership, and the public at large.

Vice President - Lois Wendte

The Vice President acts in place of the President when the President is absent or unable to act; performs other duties as assigned by the President or the Board of Directors; and succeeds to the office of President. 

Secretary -  Karen Mahon

The Secretary acts as the recording officer, preparing and maintaining the minutes of the Board of Director’s meetings, the Bylaws, and Policies and Procedures Manual; distributes Board of Directors’ meeting minutes to Chapter members and NAPO National quarterly; maintains documentation of the Chapter’s official supplies and materials; and maintains the Chapter Organization Chart.

Treasurer - Nancy Devlin
The Treasurer is responsible for overseeing the  finances of the Chapter, which includes maintaining the bank account, collecting and disbursing funds, preparing the annual budget, sharing monthly financial results with the Board of Directors and submitting an annual financial report to NAPO National.


Programming Director - Leslie Klinck

The Programming Director plans, coordinates, and executes the Chapter’s general membership meetings, including selecting speakers for the educational portion; and creates and posts a record of all general membership meetings.

Membership Director -  Stephanie Craft

The Membership Director approves and processes all of the Chapter’s membership applications; welcomes new members, hosts the Mentor Circle meetings; records meeting attendance, reports membership numbers to the Colorado Board of Directors, and NAPO National, attends monthly Director of Membership calls, performs membership outreach.

Communications & Technology Director - Ann Pereira

The Communications and Technology Director oversees duties related to the website, and/or other electronic forms of communications; participates in quarterly conference calls with national communications directors; maintains all current and updated content for website.

Marketing Director - Stephanie Deininger

The Marketing Director conveys the value of NAPO Colorado to the public and to chapter members via public relations efforts such as social media posts and a monthly newsletter as well as publicizes and assists the VP with GO (Get Organized) Month.

Director of Business Partners -Tina Wand

The Director of Business Partners serves as liaison between the Board of Directors, Business Partner Members, and professional members. This involves maintaining relationships and communications with the current business partners as well as occasionally recruiting and connecting with new potential business partners. The Director of Business Partners assists in promoting the services, discounts, and resources of the business partners to our general membership through the monthly newsletter, social media, and the annual business partners expo.


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